Friday 22 July 2011

Cydia Tweak Enhances Mobile Safari’s Back and Forward Buttons

No matter you’re using Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox or Safari as your browser on desktop computer, in some ways, you’re able to access your browser history from the back button. On iPad and iPhone, however, the mobile Safari doesn’t come with this handy feature. It takes you a few taps before you can fully access your browser history.
Now there is a hack called “BackForwardEnhancer” that tweaks the mobile Safari of iPhone/iPad and enables you to access the browser history simply by holding the back button.

I’ve awaited this hack for a long time. It’s not a big feature but just does the work right that improves the browsing experience on both iPhone and iPad. You no longer need to access the browser history from the bookmark. Just press and hold the back button (or forward button). The browser history will pop up instantly. You can then select any one of them and go back to the website you’ve visited. It works just like what you used to have on desktop browser.
Safari Back Button with Browser History

How To Install BackForwardEnhancer through Cydia

While there are more and more paid hacks in cydia, this useful hack is completely free. To install the back button hack, simply launch cydia and search for “BackForwardEnhancer”. Tap the Install button to download and install it. Once complete, your Safari back button is enabled to provide you with the browser history. Just launch mobile Safari to test out.
As usual, you need to have a jailbroken device to make the hack work. If you haven’t jailbroken your iPad or iPhone, you can check out JailbreakMe that offers the easiest way for jailbreaking.
Do you find this hack useful? As always, leave us comment and let us know your thought.

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